Support your existing team with specialized talent
Chisel's talent can fill in gaps or cover for temporary needs or absences
Perhaps you’ve been burned before with a bad hire or maybe you’re not yet convinced that a full time data analytics team member is a long-term need. You’re not alone.
As many organizations begin to employ data science and analytics in their operations, the complexity of needs comes into focus. One size does not fit all and understanding what is required, to the non-specialist, can be hard to understand.
When considering adding to headcount, and the cost of onboarding a new employee, organizations large and small want to be confident when hiring someone new.
Working with Chisel on a temp-to-permanent hire is a smart solution. In addition to getting the benefit of quality talent during the initial project engagement, your company will have the chance to evaluate if the person is a good fit for your organization needs and culture.
Perhaps your management needs to see proof of the impact to the bottom line a new addition could have before giving final approval for hiring for a permanent role? Temp-to-Hire could be a solution for you.
Plus, talent has a chance to learn more deeply about your organization to decide if the company and the role would be right for her/him. Before the costs of placement feed and internal onboarding expenses, there is a mutual evaluation period to be sure there is a good fit.
When you need to grow your data science team, Chisel offers options. If you are ready to source your temporary-to-permanent hire,
sign-up for a free trial or complete the form and we will be in touch with you soon.
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