End to End Data Science

Learn to Build and Deploy Data Science Models in Your Organization

Deep Learning is revolutionizing image and video analytics. Our hands-on workshops will help your team become familiar with deep learning applications and development.

Artificial Neural Networks

Foundations of Artificial Neural Networks

Understand the theory behind ANNs and several applications of vanilla Neural Networks.

icon-list ANN Introduction and a review of its applications

icon-list ANN Terminologies

icon-list Feedforward Networks

icon-list Activation Function

icon-list Multi Layer Neural Networks

icon-list Loss Functions

icon-list Backpropagation

icon-list Optimization – Gradient Descent Algorithm and its variations

icon-list Regularization and Dropout

icon-list Hyperparameter tuning

Deep Learning Models

Deep Learning Models and their Applications

Hands-on application of different Deep Learning models using the Python library Keras.

Applications would include Object Recognition, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing.

icon-list Convolution Neural Networks

icon-list Recurrent Neural Networks

icon-list Long Short Term Memory

icon-list Auto Encoders

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