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Innovation and Transformation People in other departments can’t get the financial impact their actions have on the business as a whole.

You have spent a great deal of money on financial analytics, so your whole company benefits from insightful financial forecasts and insights. However, not every department can view the impact…

Data Science Digest Data Science Digest 9

Keeping up is hard for data scientists to do. Chisel Analytics is happy to help! Title: Pandas Version 1.0 is Out! Top 4 Features Every Data Scientist Should Know Source:…

What IT Managers Need to Know about Data Science We’re not seeing the results we thought we would. What did I miss?

You hired great people and you had a good plan, yet you didn't get the impactful results that you anticipated. As an IT leader, you know how valuable data analytics…

Recruiting for the Data Sciences We can’t keep qualified data scientists/analysts at our company.

Your hiring manager tells you that another data scientist quit, and it leaves you scratching your head as to why you cannot keep qualified data scientists at your company. With…

Innovation and Transformation We can’t analyze our financials across the business at the depth we need to.

Keeping track of your business financials is vital to the success of your company. Unfortunately, the traditional way of looking at your financial reports will only give limited insight into…

Data Science Digest Data Science Digest 8

Keeping up is hard for data scientists to do. Chisel Analytics is happy to help! Title: Karate Club consists of state-of-the-art methods to do unsupervised learning on graph structured data…

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